Jacquelyn Benjamin Jacquelyn Benjamin

10 Shares + A Prayer

One of the things I love my most about working with clients is how dynamic and unique each conversation is. Here are 10 links I have shared with clients over the past week. Perhaps you’ll find something interesting or helpful, as well!

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Jacquelyn Benjamin Jacquelyn Benjamin

Hey June!

Welcome to the end of spring and the beginning of summer! Make time this month to play and enjoy the slow unfolding of summer. Tis the season to tend to wellness. Be like the flowers and take in an abundance of sunshine.

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Jacquelyn Benjamin Jacquelyn Benjamin

3 Needed

What if we could get to the roots of things, and yank issues out at their origin?

Now, we can!

Uncover how energy patterns affect our lives, bodies, and trajectories.

I am looking for three people who..

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Jacquelyn Benjamin Jacquelyn Benjamin

Good to Grow

Spring is a great time to begin a new wellness regimen, make progress towards resolutions, and start something NEW!

We all need a few fundamental things to promote our wellness, vitality, and longevity.

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Jacquelyn Benjamin Jacquelyn Benjamin


In this article you’ll find:

Post-viral plant-based support, an immune-boosting recipe for “fire Cider”, a sustainable clothing brand, a sweet release for tight hips, a power-packed nutritional tip for making mushrooms more magical, a few of my favorite images from the end of winter and the beginning of spring, and a few reasons to enjoy violets, as they are in season now.

I hope you are finding ways to nourish and nurture yourself!

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Jacquelyn Benjamin Jacquelyn Benjamin


6 Questions for Self-Exploration as we deepen into 2024

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Jacquelyn Benjamin Jacquelyn Benjamin


A holistic guide to nurturing your whole self this December.

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Jacquelyn Benjamin Jacquelyn Benjamin


I recently walked a small group through an aromatic experience with Patchouli. I wanted to share it here with you today. Let me know if you give it a try, and feel free to use any essential oil you have on hand. A Quiet Relaxation Experience with Patchouli essential oil….

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Jacquelyn Benjamin Jacquelyn Benjamin


A holistic guide to nurturing your WHOLE SELF this November. Includes: Tips for navigating, journaling prompts, a song, a video by Dr. Gabor Mate, and an essential oil to consider.

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Jacquelyn Benjamin Jacquelyn Benjamin


A Holistic Guide for Nurturing Your WHOLE Self this October.

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Jacquelyn Benjamin Jacquelyn Benjamin


Your guide to making this Harvest Moon a magical experience. Enjoy journal prompts, songs, and extra reasons to moonbathe under this full moon.

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Jacquelyn Benjamin Jacquelyn Benjamin


Meet the inventor of the FoodCoach App, a simple and effective tool for helping improve your physical and mental wellness through scanning your grocery receipt. Improve your metabolic health...

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Jacquelyn Benjamin Jacquelyn Benjamin


A highly personalized workshop designed to help you hear what anger is telling you, shift your relationship with anger, and move through anger to create meaningful changes in your life.

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Jacquelyn Benjamin Jacquelyn Benjamin


Pets + Emotions: By prioritizing our pet's comfort and happiness, we can create a harmonious environment where their emotional needs are met, enhancing their overall quality of life - and ours.

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Jacquelyn Benjamin Jacquelyn Benjamin

Soulful September

September is the glorious bridge between summer and fall. It’s a transition point.

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Jacquelyn Benjamin Jacquelyn Benjamin

5 New Things

I put a challenge out to one of my small groups. This week was our final meeting week, and as we are wrapping up, I challenged us all to try 5 new things this week. Of course, I participated. Here are my 5 new things:

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Jacquelyn Benjamin Jacquelyn Benjamin


Habits, patterns, old traumas, physical injuries, inherited energies, and historical emotional experiences can have a profound impact on the body. They can create disturbances…

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Jacquelyn Benjamin Jacquelyn Benjamin


Enjoy this One-Hour Plan for Indulgent Self-Care. Carving out time from a busy schedule to rejuvenate and replenish is not a luxury, and it doesn’t have to be extravagant.

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Jacquelyn Benjamin Jacquelyn Benjamin

Wellness Coaching

Many of my clients are working towards increasing their energy, improving clarity, and up-leveling their wellness.

But it’s so much more than that…

When I work with people, I see what they are really craving is…

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Jacquelyn Benjamin Jacquelyn Benjamin

In Between

Time changes. Our systems need extra support during this time to find a new rhythm. Here are a few reminders for thriving until Spring is in full swing on March 20…

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